Preschool at St Andrew's during Term Time

Tadpoles – Mondays 10.00 – 11.30am

Group for children and their carers. Come along for stories, crafts, toys, fun, and refreshments. Contribution is required for each child.

0-2 Group – Wednesdays 9.30 – 11 am

Our happy and active mum and toddler group has a section for babies and lots of toys for older ones. There is play dough, crafts, and song time.

A fun and friendly place to have a chat and a coffee. Contribution is required for each child.

If you want to come along to any of these groups please contact the Parish Office

Little Fishes – Thursdays 1.30—2.45 pm

A fantastic group for children aged from birth to school age and their carers.

There is an area for the children to play and adults to sit, with refreshments provided. There are opportunities for the children to join in with parachute games, storytime, crafts, and singing.

We are funded by donations to which the adults are invited to contribute.