Love God, Love Others - This is our mission.
Could you help us to help others by giving generously?

Are you able to help us continue to help others by donating financially to the ongoing work of the Church? Are you able to help us to meet the needs of the community, to be good neighbours to those in need and to reach out a helping hand to all those who are struggling. Help us as we strive to be there for all people at all stages of life whatever joys or sorrows they may be experiencing. Help us to bring the light and love of Christ to the world.

All of this takes an army of volunteers, time and money. If you would like to contribute financially to the work of the church then please follow the instructions below.

You can give on line using our Just Giving’ Page.

To donate on a regular basis by direct debit, please consider the Parish Giving Scheme.  The Parish codes which you will need, in order to sign up are:

St Andrews 080608077 or scan the QR Code below.

St Georges 080608078 or scan the QR code below.

St Matthews 080608079 or scan the QR code below.

If you prefer to do this over the phone you can also ring the Parish Giving team on a dedicated telephone number  0333 002 1271, operating weekdays between 9 – 5pm.

Alternatively, please send a cheque payable to ‘Hornchurch PCC’ to our address on the contact page (please mark the back of the cheque with the words ‘donation’. )